Wednesday, 22 August 2018



【Real Nutrition】Healthilicious Recipe: Hainanese Chicken Brown Rice

Time flies, it is now the 8th month of 2018! I believed my Singaporean and Malaysian friends are quite familiar with this month, right?

That’s right, August is the national month for both Singapore and Malaysia! Happy birthday, to both Singapore and Malaysia! And, ya! What’s better than celebrating National Day with delicious local delights? Now, let me introduce you one of the best local delight here at Singapore and Malaysia, which is the Hainanese Chicken Rice!

Wait, you must be puzzled by now. “What’s so special about chicken rice, man?!” Of course not the normal type, I’m sharing with you the healthier version, Hainanese Chicken Brown Rice!

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Nutrition Corner: 5 Useful Tips to Commence A Weight Management Plan

“I want to slim down!” 
seems to be everyone’s goal every year. 
Sadly speaking, people nowadays are overloaded with non-reliable sources or information all over the internet. 

Hence, I am writing this as an Accredited Nutritionist to share with you in regards some essential preparation prior to weight management that could determine your success rate of weight loss.

Nutrition Corner: 3 Common Mistakes in Weight Management

Have you ever experience a great bounce back after much efforts being made to bring your weight down? If yes, you could have not well prepared (Refer to "5 Useful Tips To Commence A Weight Management Plan") or you have probably made the common mistakes as following:


體重管理前必需準備的5件事: 您做到了吗?),或許您踩到最常見的3大地雷區了哦!