Sunday, 10 September 2017

Shape Run 2017: My First 10K Marathon-FITT & Nutrition

Hello readers~~
Have you ever join a marathon?
If you follow my Instagram (click here to follow me!), 
 I started my self training since June and shared my journey via IG stories, 
though I registered for my first 10K marathon in April - Shape Run 2017. XP
Why did I join? Simply because one of my 2017 resolutions is to be HEALTHIER. 
And, I need to set a measurable yet realistic goal.
So, I'm going to share a little of my personal experience via this blog post. 
First, I have to admit that I'm not sporty person, 
at least it was not heavily emphasized during my upbringing. 

Saturday, 2 September 2017

【旅遊開心事|My Travel Log】4 hours adventure in Macau WITHOUT MOBILE DATA!

Looking at the news lately about how typhoon had caused a serious damage to Macau, 
I felt complicated. 
Other than feeling sad and sympathy for what happened in Macau, 
I am grateful that I had the opportunity to travel to Macau last April, 
to witness the beauty of this city before the catastrophe strike in. 
I hope and pray for the city and people for a full recovery soon.
Having said about this trip, it was indeed a CRAZY ONE!
As we only managed to spend 4 HOURS!
ONLY 4 HOURS, before I could merely made it for a dinner, 
an occasion where I met Moses Chan and Amy Chan!😍