Saturday, 15 November 2014

Travelling tips for heart patients

Everyone is planing to go for a year-end vacation, to pamper ourselves after working so hard in the past one year. Somehow, some may hesitate whether they can travel if they are heart-patients, or their loved one has heart disease. Even one has heart disease, it doesn’t limit or restrict the individual from travelling. In fact, a relaxing trip could be helpful in stress relief and benefiting one’s health. If you are just diagnosed to have heart disease or your heart condition is uncontrolled or just had a heart surgery, perhaps traveling could be stressful for you too. So, there are some steps to ensure you are well prepared for a relaxing and enjoyable trip.

Friday, 10 October 2014

旅游台北2014之住宿篇(2) ~Accommodation in Taipei 2014 (2)~

话说我上次在台北待过两家饭店,一是洛碁中華大飯店 Greenworld Zhonghua Hotel, 第二间就是今天要来介绍的

(2)愛客發時尚旅館萬年館 (ECFA Hotel Wan Nian)

地址:萬年大楼西門町, 台北, 台灣 108

Address: 6F., No.70, Xining S. Rd.

This hotel is located at 6th floor in Wan Nian Buidling, in the crowd area of Ximending.
Hotel exterior at night

Area nearby hotel

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

旅游台北2014之住宿篇(1) ~Accommodation in Taipei 2014 (1)~

Following by last blog on Taipei 2014 Culture @
I would like to do a review on 2 hotels that I stayed before.

(1)洛碁中華大飯店 Greenworld Zhonghua Hotel

 I have chosen Deluxe Double or Corner room, as not much options left when I have to book a room nearby my conference venue.
 地址:中華路一段41號13樓, 西門町, 台北, 台灣 10042
Address: 13F., No.41, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd, Ximending, Taipei, Taiwan 10042
饭店的外观 Hotel Exterior
洛碁中華大飯店 Greenworld Zhonghua Hotel
Come outfrom the lift (13th floor)
接待处 Reception

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

~Snail White Cream~

About two months ago, a friend of mine introduced me one of the most famous yet effective moisturizer recently: 
(Credits to Mr Google for this picture)

(Credits to Mr Google for this picture)
My first thought was...
OH MY GOD! Snail secretion???

So I decided to do some online review before I decided to go into it. Basically, this product claims to have 6-7 effective functions:

Friday, 12 September 2014




Saturday, 16 August 2014

美发之一:ATS Perm System

让我印象深刻的是去年十二月去发廊烫头发。这家发廊有点特别,装潢是简单大方的原宿风格, 非常舒适!轻松的音乐,迷人的香精,让我感觉非常享受哦!
那时发型师推荐了ATS Perm System,在八个步骤里有大概5-6个(如果我没记错的话)是在做treatment的!神奇吧!